API Interface Documentation
Listed below are all the documentation files currently available for API interface. Documents with bold dates have been updated in the last 24 hours.
Document Last Modified
AccountType XML 9/7/2001 2:13:04 PM
Country XML 9/7/2001 2:22:42 PM
Customer XML 7/12/2006 10:33:58 PM
CustomerAdd XML 7/12/2006 10:38:40 PM
CustomerPasswordChange XML 9/8/2001 2:14:54 PM
DialupLoginInUse XML 9/9/2001 3:22:04 PM
EmailLoginInUse XML 9/9/2001 3:24:34 PM
ListProxyNetworks XML 10/14/2005 3:02:00 PM
NewProxyPOPLookup XML 9/7/2005 3:14:46 PM
PaymentType XML 9/7/2001 4:36:58 PM
POPLookup XML 3/14/2005 2:13:18 PM
Promotion XML 9/10/2001 4:21:30 PM
ProxyAccountUsage XML 10/14/2005 3:54:10 PM
ServicePlan XML 9/7/2001 4:38:04 PM
ServicePlanAdd XML 7/12/2006 10:40:12 PM
ServicePlanClose XML 7/26/2002 10:04:04 AM
ServiceType XML 9/7/2001 4:38:52 PM
TurnKeyAccountUsage XML 10/14/2005 3:39:20 PM
UnitType XML 9/7/2001 4:39:30 PM
Validate XML 9/7/2001 4:39:36 PM
ValidateByItem XML 10/8/2001 1:23:28 PM
VisualFormat XML 9/7/2001 4:39:50 PM
vssver scc 5/30/2002 5:11:16 AM
_Errors 9/7/2001 5:16:58 PM