ServicePlanAdd XML API Documentation (Last Modified: 7/12/2006 9:40:12 PM)

Basic Concepts
The ServicePlanAdd XML API provides a list of Service Plans.
The base URL of this API is
Input Variables
Name Description
ClientID Client code identifying the client information to access
BillingPeriod Number of months to bill for
CustomerID ID of the customer
Login Customer dialup account login
Password Customer password for accessing the customer support account management web utility
ServicePlanID ID of the service plan to add
Detail<DetailID>Add<i> Set to True for each detail to add
(set <DetailID> = the detail ID)
(set <i> = the index of the detail to add - multiple details of the same type can be added at the same time)
Detail<DetailID>Item<ItemID>Value<i> The value of the item with ID <ItemID> for the <i> instance of the detail with ID <DetailID>
Name Min Max Type Required
ClientID 4 4 String True
BillingPeriod 1 3 Long True
CustomerID N/A N/A Long If Login is not provided
Login N/A N/A String If CustomerID is not provided
Password 6 8 String True
ServicePlanID 1 3 Long True
Detail<DetailID>Add<i> N/A N/A Boolean If adding this detail
Detail<DetailID>Item<ItemID>Value<i> N/A N/A String (See the ServicePlan XML API for requirements)
Return Document
The return value is a standard XML document with ICOP as the root node.
Each section of the output variables listed below is a child node to the ICOP node. Each parameter within that section is an attribute to that section's node.
Service Plan Add Customer Output Variables
Name Description Type
ID ID of the customer Long
CONTACT_EMAIL Email address to be used for all communication to the customer String
PASSWORD Customer password for accessing the customer support account management web utility String
PAYMENT_TYPE_ID ID of the payment type to be used for service plans on the account Long
REG_NUMBER Unique registration number to identify the customer String
SEND_INVOICE ID of the method for sending invoices to the customer Integer
SEND_NEWS Should the system send news to the customer? Bit
SEND_STATEMENT ID of the method for sending statements to the customer Integer
Service Plan Add ACH Output Variables
Name Description Type
ACCOUNT_NUMBER Account number for ACH payment type String
BANK_ADDRESS Bank street address for ACH payment type String
BANK_CITY Bank city for ACH payment type String
BANK_NAME Name of bank for ACH payment type String
BANK_STATE Bank state for ACH payment type String
BANK_ZIP Bank zip (or postal) code for ACH payment type String
FULL_NAME Full name on the bank account for ACH payment type String
FULL_NAME_2 Second full name on the bank account for ACH payment type String
ROUTING_NUMBER Routing number for the bank account for ACH payment type String
Service Plan Add Check Output Variables
Name Description Type
PO_NUMBER PO number for a check payment type String
Service Plan Add Contact Output Variables
Name Description Type
ADDRESS Street address of the customer String
CITY City of the customer String
FIRST_NAME First name of the customer String
LAST_NAME Last name of the customer String
MIDDLE_NAME Middle name of the customer String
PHONE_BUSINESS Business phone number of the customer String
PHONE_FAX Fax number of the customer String
PHONE_HOME Home phone number of the customer String
STATE State of the customer String
ZIP Zip (or postal) code of the customer String
Service Plan Add Contact Country Output Variables
Name Description Type
ID ID of the country of the customer Long
LABEL Text label for the country String
Service Plan Add Credit Card Output Variables
Name Description Type
EXPIRE_MONTH Expiration month (2-digit) for credit card payment String
EXPIRE_YEAR Expiration year (2-digit) for credit card payment String
NUMBER Number of the card for credit card payment String
ZIP Zip (or postal) code of the name on the card for credit card payment String
Service Plan Add Plan Output Variables
Name Description Type
ID ID of the plan Long
LABEL Text label for the plan String
SERVICE_PLAN_ID ID of the service plan Long
Service Plan Add Plan Service Output Variables
Name Description Type
ID ID of the service Long
DETAIL_ID ID of the detail Long
LABEL Text label for the service String
Service Plan Add Plan Service Item Output Variables
Name Description Type
ID ID of the item Long
DETAIL_ITEM_ID ID of the detail item Long
LABEL Text label for the item String
VALUE Value of the item String
Sample Output
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  - <CHECK PO_NUMBER="" />
  - <CONTACT ADDRESS="101 Test Dr" CITY="Springfield" FIRST_NAME="John"
      PHONE_HOME="(123)456-7890" STATE="OH" ZIP="12345">
    - <COUNTRY ID="1" LABEL="United States" />
  - <CREDIT_CARD EXPIRE_MONTH="12" EXPIRE_YEAR="08" NUMBER="5424000000000015"
      ZIP="12345" />
  - <PLAN ID="1" LABEL="Standard Dialup" SERVICE_PLAN_ID="6">
    - <SERVICE ID="1" DETAIL_ID="1" LABEL="Dialin account">
      - <ITEM ID="1" DETAIL_ITEM_ID="1" LABEL="User name" VALUE="john" />
      - <ITEM ID="2" DETAIL_ITEM_ID="4" LABEL="Password" VALUE="jpassd" />
      - <ITEM ID="3" DETAIL_ITEM_ID="1000" LABEL="Network" VALUE="Q" />
Sample ASP Code
Option Explicit
Dim objXML, objXSL
Dim strURL

' Build the URL for the call to the API
strURL = "http://localhost/ServicePlanAdd.XML.asp" & _
	"?ClientID=DEMO" & _
	"&BillingPeriod=1" & _
	"&CustomerID=1" & _
	"&Password=mysecret" & _
	"&ServicePlanID=6" & _
	"&Detail1Add1=True" & _
	"&Detail1Item1Value1=john" & _
	"&Detail1Item4Value1=jpassd" & _

' Create the MSXML DOMDocument object for the xml document output of the API
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objXML.async = False
objXML.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
objXML.load strURL

' Create the MSXML DOMDocument object for the xsl stylesheet to transform the xml
Set objXSL = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objXSL.async = False
objXSL.load Server.MapPath("ServicePlanAdd.xsl")

' Transform the xml with the xsl stylesheet and write the result HTML
Response.Write objXML.transformNode(objXSL)
Response.Write objXML.xml